Big Brother

Big Brother 9: POV – Wk 2 (Feb 27)

Joshuah DRs that he immediately felt horrible for his blowout with Amanda.  Alex feels bad, too.  Matt is proud of “his friend” James.  Sheila feels bad regarding Allison, and I’m guessing pretty stupid, too.  Once both girls are back, there are hugs all around, and praise for James and his mad propping up skills.  Allison, Amanda and Sheila have a weepy group hug and Sheila seems to very genuinely apologize for being a loon.
And, oh yeah, there’s a POV meeting to get through, isn’t there?  Well, nothing happens, of course, as Joshua and Sharon have no reason to use it and put a target on their own backs.  The one thing of note is that the meeting is attended by all the women in only their bikinis, again per the HOH game.  It’s pretty funny.  And, with that being said, this recap is adjourned.

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