Big Brother

Big Brother 9: POV – Wk 2 (Feb 27)

Alex sits outside stewing about being nominated. Amanda tries to talk to him but he is not up for it.  She tries to tell him to have a positive attitude.  He’s mostly pissed because it would appear that their nomination has almost exactly nothing to do with him, which is the biggest problem with the whole “Couples” concept.

Then, banjo music takes us to Allison and Nat pretending they’re in the Old West, using belts as holsters and household chemicals as guns.  This is a good idea.  They are spraying, like, Windex and Formula 409 at each other.  I thought at least Allison could read the labels.  We then get our first glimpse into the 7th grade argument that Sheila is starring in where she’s fuming because Allison hasn’t talked to her much since she got off the block.  She confronts her all, “Are you mad at me?” and says she’s ignoring her.  Allison deflects her for the time being.  If anyone’s going to go all Glenn Close in this house, it’s Sheila. Hide the hamsters!!

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