Big Brother

Big Brother 9: POV – Wk 2 (Feb 27)

The teams must connect a series of cables, buried in barrels of peanuts (huh?) to a series of poles until they get the right combo and “restore power from the outside world”.  Again, this does seem kind of Survivor-ish, just a little dumber.  James and Chelsia are immediately in the weeds.  Alex and Amanda and Josh and Sharon are working away while Matt and Nat try but fail. Allison and Sheila sit on the sidelines and Adam is “hosting”, but where the hell is Ryan?  Does he have something better to do?  Anyway, Josh and Sharon win.  Yawn.

Then there’s the schtick where there’s an LED ticker in the yard and the hamsters get a news update about John McCain and Barack Obama leading in the primaries. Everyone is really surprised at Amanda’s fervor for politics.  Also, Josh tells us how happy he was to get his Britney fix, as the crawl announces that she got to see her kids.  That would actually be the reason I’d be glad to be stuck in that house.

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