Big Brother

Big Brother 9: POV – Wk 2 (Feb 27)

And, then, there’s this.  Allison is outside doing laps in the yard, relaying the whole deal with Sheila to Sharon.  She suddenly makes a beeline to head inside and goes straight for the Diary Room.  She frantically asks for some help, and says her throat is closing up.  Obviously, she’s having an allergic reaction to something.

Meanwhile, Amanda is explaining to Natalie that she is hypoglycemic, so being on slop (which I desperately wish they would retire already!) is just not cutting it for her.  Natalie DRs that Amanda hasn’t eaten much slop at all, which can’t be good for her condition.  Amanda just keeps saying she needs sugar.  As they walk back to a bedroom, Amanda freaking FAINTS!  Natalie runs out to the yard to get the guys.  They come in immediately and tend to Amanda as Nurse Tammy, whose been sitting quietly for all these years, waiting for a medical emergency, takes on her second case in just minutes.

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