Big Brother

Big Brother Double Elimination Week

Britney makes her plea by just saying how much she loves everyone.  Brendon calls everyone a dysfunctional family and says how much respect he has for them all. It’s a freakin’ love fest in here today.  Enzo evicts Brendon, Ragan does the same with his fingers crossed.  Lane votes Brendon out as well.  Is this a record for unanimous votes or what?  Again, hugs all around.  It seems like we’ve gotten to the point where everyone is kind of over the b.s.

In his Chenterview, Brendon calls the house a really nice version of prison.  Julie says it seems like it was easier for him without Rachel.    He says it might have been for them, but he was lonely.  She asks what the future holds and he says he thinks he can entice Rachel to UCLA.  Just like Candace said he would!

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