Big Brother

Big Brother Eviction & HOH, Week 3

Matt’s a genius, so he clearly couldn’t screw up nominations in freakin’ Big Brother, right? Anybody else completely forget Ragan is on this show until they accidentally forget to fast forward through the opening credits?

In the studio, Julie delights in calling Matt a “self-proclaimed diabolical super genius”. We start with a flashback of Andrew’s confusing veto speech where he threatened Brendon and Rachel and then asked for Brendon to use the veto to save him. Britney is flummoxed. Kathy and her scary spider eyelashes are confused. Rachel is furious about Andrew’s speech and even when Brendon tells her it’s part of the plan, she’s still pouting.

Up in the HOH, Matt, Lane, Ragan and Britney think Rachel’s over the top reaction was all just some horrible acting. Matt calls Andrew up to the HOH to tell him that no one bought it and that he better be having one on ones with everyone to secure votes. Rachel continues to put air quotes around the word PLAN in the DR and even though Brendon tells her he loves her (!), she’s still guarded and angry at him about daring to talk to someone without her express written permission.

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