Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations & POV: Week 2

One team member becomes human graffiti and the member will be taped up to stick to the grafiti wall.  You will then use paint blasters to “wash” your opponents off the wall.  Kathy, Brit and Ragan are being taped to the wall, also wearing goggles and bodysuits.  Everyone takes turns shooting water at the opposing teams.  Ragan is taped down the least, so everyone ignores him, secure in the knowledge that he’ll fall off unassisted.  The yellow and blue teams gang up Britney and the green team.  Ragan falls after 33 minutes, and blue is out.  They can still shoot water, and continue to nail Britney.  Kathy is doing her best to hang on.  Britney has somehow managed to sink into the tape and is angry (per her DR account of events) due to everyone seeming to aim at her face.  She also gets to the point where she is visibly panicked and having trouble breathing.  Brendon, Enzo, Lane, Andrew and Hayden tear her off the wall, so orange wins by default.  As the winners, they get to pick the four people to go on slop…and they actually pick Britney, Enzo, Brendon and Monet, who comprise the green team.  That’s kind of vicious considering what Britney’s just endured, but I guess you reap what you sow.  You can imagine Britney’s delight at finding fishsticks and fruitcake when they go back in the house.  Enzo, on the other hand, is ready to filet the giant fish on the display table.

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