Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week 5, Rachel Wants Botox

At 36:06, Brendon falls.  Rachel tries to comfort him and he’s a giant baby about it.  She DRs that he’s let her down a lot in the HOH competitions.  He continues to look for solace and she continues to have to try to comfort him, which is way too much maintenance.  She tells him to win POV, which he doesn’t like either.  Look, I don’t like Rachel, but I almost feel sorry for her having to put up with this wuss.  Oh wait, nevermind.  No, I don’t.

Lane drops at 46 minutes.  Britney reasons that she’s pretty safe and doesn’t really want to win and have to deal with putting up Rachel & Brendon, so she drops next.  Hayden falls, complaining about his arms.  Rachel is hoping Matt “lets” Ragan win, because she reasons he won’t put she and Brendon up.  For his part, he DRs that he might be better off coming in 2nd place anyway and not getting “blood on his hands” at this stage of the game.  He drops, playing up the drama but good, at one hour and 10 minutes.  He thinks he’s safe, and hopes he’s not going to regret it.  Matt wins and jokes about going back and forth with Rachel, saying he’ll keep the sheets clean for her.  Yuck.  In the DR, he says he’s kind of sick of pulling all the weight for his alliance.  I’m enjoying seeing the little cracks in this parade of dimwits.  It might actually be entertaining when these guys have to turn on each other.

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