Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week 5, Rachel Wants Botox

Rachel is packing and sulking, when Brendon comes in, all “are you mad at me?” and “I’ll protect you.”  He’s the clingiest guy I’ve ever seen, especially for as good looking and intelligent as he is on the surface.  Rachel DRs about the giant target on her back, which is there because her big athletic boyfriend sucks at competitions.  I crack up when she says, “It’s not always all about him.” Um, I don’t think it’s ever been about him, beeyotch.

There is a lot of fake screaming about Matt’s HOH room and Britney explains that the whole point is to act like a ridiculous version of Rachel.  I kind of love that this group, by and large, realizes that this entire ritual is stupid and they thumb their noses at it.  She also explains that they play a game called “Trapped” and the goal is stick someone alone with Brendon and Rachel, which they do, to Matt.  Hee.

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