Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week 5, Rachel Wants Botox

He decides he needs to tell everyone about Pandora’s box and makes up a big story about a briefcase but says  that he just got a dollar, but that the whole house might now have something bad coming.  No one is buying it, because Matt is acting shifty as hell and he seems to know he fooled no one.  Why don’t these people think about these stories before they just blurt crap out?  Natalie did the same damn thing.  Anyway, Enzo actually picks up on the saboteur angle.  Britney listens as Rachel & Brendon speculate about cash, while Hayden, Kathy and Ragan talk about the possibility that someone else is returning.  Then, Ragan gets called into the DR to get his saboteur invitation.  He’s told he must execute three sabotages per week, and survive the next two evictions to get $20K.  Ragan is torn, not sure if this is best for his game, but he doesn’t want to let America down.  He accepts even though part of him doesn’t want to do it.  Announcer guy asks us for suggestions.  If anyone actually sends one in, please let us know.  I don’t have the energy or the interest to do so.

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