Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week 5, Rachel Wants Botox

Rachel comes to Matt, who is hanging with Ragan, and starts pitching deals about not putting both she and Brendon up, insinuating that Matt & Ragan are a team.  Ragan loses it a little, saying that he’s not with Matt, that they’re friends.  In fact, no one’s ever once approached him for an alliance.   She kind of insists otherwise, and a mini-catfight ensues.  It’s really a fight rooted in the fact that these people are stuck in this house, period.  It would not be happening otherwise.  Brendon hears the voices and runs in to “defend” his lady.  She really was just fine without him.  He’s really gotten as irritating as she is, but in a completely different way.  Finally, Brendon and Ragan head out to the kitchen and continue to bicker a bit until Rachel comes to fetch him.  They talk to Matt about how if one of them goes this week, whoever is left will be gunning for him.  He’s not exactly scared.  Rachel says you should keep in someone who’s been winning things versus people who are just “comfortable” in the game.  You know, that rationale works much better in the early goings on Survivor than it does at any point in this game.

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