Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations Week 5, Rachel Wants Botox

Rachel thinks Matt’s too much of a “pansy” to nominate anybody but she and “her man”.  Brendon is starting to be apathetic and thinks Matt is a weasel.  Brendon kisses Rachel before they head inside for nominations.   Kathy, Ragan and Britney are all declared safe before the alliance members.  Matt says this is purely strategic and is as complimentary of their combined strength in the house as he can be, rather than being antagonistic.  In the DR, Rachel calls herself a lost puppy and actually says, without a hint of sarcasm, that she’s fought so hard that she needs another injection of Botox because she feels the wrinkles coming on.  Are you kidding me?!  You’re 26, moron.  What a freakazoid.  Next time, Jeff and Jordan are back for a visit.  Yay!

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