Big Brother

Big Brother – Nominations, Week 7: “Meow Meow Mix” Really?

Previously on Big Brother, Matt wore Monkey printed pajama pants a lot and called Brendon a “big dummy”, so we were able to forgive him the pants.  Britney became the last woman standing and won her first HOH.  So things are finally heating up and The Brigade is starting to crumble, yo.

We flashback on Matt’s Diamond POV bombshell .  Brendon is sure he’s way smarter than Matt.  Hayden is screaming at me that Matt having this power threw he and Enzo a curve ball and we see them breaking the news to Matt that they can’t vote “against Lane.”  Matt tells us that Hayden was pretty straightforward, but Enzo was beating around the bush a lot.  He does a little better job of acting mopey and disappointed this time, and then throws a wink to the camera.

After Kathy’s nomination, Brendon calls Matt, Britney and Ragan the “three head monster” in the DR.  Ragan says he’s been crying like a “40 year old woman watching Oprah” and also calls himself a “bipolar hot tranny mess.”  He’s just a wee bit too focused on Brendon, but that’s what sensory deprivation will do to you.  Matt is gloating in the DR and once again calling himself a diabolical super genius.  Careful there, bud.  I’m not hating you as much as I probably should be based on the whole wife with the fake disease thing alone, but the pendulum is going to swing back that way even quicker if you can’t stop patting yourself on the back like that.

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