Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations

Enzo and Lane go to talk to Hayden, and they agree that he can do what he wants, as long as nobody knows about the Brigade. If Kristen interferes with their boys’ club, she’s out!

Time to see Rachel’s HoH room. And here’s where Britney wins me over. Nobody cares about Rachel’s bedroom, and they’re totally overacting their excitement. Enzo is totally playing to the back rows with crazy yells and broad expressions of joy. Kristen doesn’t even go up to see the room, which is just as well. Everybody’s just hilariously excited about every single picture or personal item, including the Spice World soundtrack. In the Diary Room, Britney is using the same fake enthusiasm to recount the events. “Who wants to see my HoH room?” “Nobody! In fact, we’d rather hang ourselves!” And it’s with the same fake smile and shrill faux excitement that we just saw in the bedroom. Ha! She may have gotten off to a rough start, but Britney is pretty darn funny. I might have to declare her my favorite.

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