Big Brother

Big Brother Nominations

And now, we cut to Rachel and Britney in the HoH bubble bath together. They talk about how awful Kristen is, and Britney clearly doesn’t care, but she has some idea of how to play the game. She even explains in the DR that this is the last place she wants to be, but if it’ll keep the target off her back, “Bubble up!” Britney complains that Kristen always talks about how her hair is naturally curly. I don’t think we’ve heard that before, but it makes me think Kristen might be a grown-up version of Frieda from Peanuts. Man, now I want Rachel to call Brendon her “sweet babboo”. There is hilarious footage of Kristen curling her naturally curly hair and meditating in the backyard. There complaints about her get more and more general until it’s clear that Kristen has become the public face of every other woman who has ever argued with Rachel. Girl’s got issues.

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