Big Brother

Big Brother PoV Week 6

Back from break, the hamsters realize the door to the HOH room is open, and go in search of Brendon.  Rachel gets excited, “I want to open Pandora’s box!”  The mystery continues.  And Brendon is now in Malibu, telling Rachel to come out, calling into the hills for her.  He finally finds a note telling him that Rachel’s “enjoying her vacation somewhere else.”  Of course, the note doesn’t say where.

Things have chilled momentarily, and Rachel’s going to make cookies, a fact with which she taunts Ragan in the yard.  Once she starts in, he can’t contain himself. “You’re about as classy as your nasty hair extensions.”  She titters nervously, which he mocks. “Your boobs are a lie, your face is a lie, the only thing honest about you is the pimples on your chin.” People are either playing pool or hovering by the door, trying to eavesdrop without being obvious.  Rachel tells Ragan that nobody likes him in real life.  She can’t believe his poor game play, and he can’t believe she thinks he wants advice from her, since she’s already out of the house.  He knows he won’t get her vote, so he has zero reason to hold back now.  Rachel doesn’t stop though, “I love gay people and you suck at it.”  He starts to head in but stops and turns to make one last grand declaration.  I feel like I’m a court stenographer at this point, but I had to give you Ragan’s whole quote here too.

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