Previously on Big Brother:Jeff was awesome at counting change and Ronnie went out of his way to make sure that everybody in the house stood against him.Instead of nominating the unpopular
Russell (who’s a competitive threat), he put up the well-liked and harmless Jordan.And he’s on “The Brains”, folks!

The Chenbot kicks it to some footage from after the Veto Ceremony.Ronnie really thinks that getting Laura out is the priority, and everybody else thinks he’s stupid.Laura and Jordan commiserate on CleavageCam for a bit, and then Jeff reassures Jordan that she’ll be safe.Man, if anyone can count votes, it’s Jeff.Anyway, he and Jordan are adorable together, especially when he tries braiding her hair.
Rollie Fingers swings by the HoH bedroom to talk to Ronnie.Oh, my bad.That’s Laura.I never get when a nominee pleads their case to the one person who doesn’t actually get to vote.Like Ronnie’s so beloved that people will vote the way he says?Anyway, she promises him safety and says she’d make a better ally than Jordan.Ronnie’s all about evicting Jordan by the end of this conversation, because he has to agree with the last person he talked to.He brings up a motley crew of housemates to talk about how dangerous Jordan is.Natalie and Lydia flat out say they will not evict Jordan.Ronnie then says that he wishes he’d put Russell up, so Natalie goes running out to tell Jessie.