Big Brother

Big Brother Season 11, Eviction Week Two

Jessie then asks Russell if he’s going to try and rally support for Laura, and then it gets really confusing in terms of who said what, and it turns out that basically nobody’s said anything that Ronnie has been saying that they said.There’s a big group confrontation, and Ronnie refuses to answer direct questions.“I won’t be put on the spot”.That’s such a weasel way to behave.The entire house is watching Ronnie’s lies unravel, and he’s not clever enough to roll with it, so he just stands there saying that he doesn’t have to answer them.After Ronnie storms off, everybody makes fun of him.
Later, Ronnie tries to chat with Russell, and Russell assembles everybody so they can hear how Ronnie’s not a liar.He starts naming people he hasn’t lied to, and he’s already wrong since he spent last week claiming that he voted to evict Chima.Ronnie locks himself in the HoH room, and Russell yells at him through the TV screen.Ha!The whole house is now united in their hatred of Ronnie.Send him to Israel, and we’d have peace in the Middle East inside of a month as all sides focused their hate.
The next scene makes it look like Ronnie locked himself in the HoH room for a long time.When Magic Voice asks him to come to the Diary Room, Russell takes that as his cue and heads inside to wait for him.Once he emerges, Russell starts out by taunting him.He just keeps talking, verbally poking at him.I’m not a Russell fan, but this is hilarious.There’s a great montage of Russell following him and mocking, including Russell’s impression of Ronnie’s voice, which really is not unlike Piglet’s.Finally, Ronnie has a good cry.On the one hand, that’s kind of sad.On the other hand, he’s been so rotten that I can’t feel too sorry for him.
Julie shows up to take this bad boy live, and starts by asking Natalie about the mood of the house.Natalie says that the house has come together, and this week there shouldn’t be any voting drama.Are they all writing in Ronnie?Julie uses this as a lead-in to clips about the reward competition, which we’ve already seen.At least it gets a funny comment from Michele about Jeff’s “nice rack” in the cheerleader costume.
Time for Julie to talk to the outgoing HoH!Apparently he’s being called “the square root of all evil”, which is pretty funny.Julie asks him why he adopted such a stupid strategy, and he does say that it was “too early” to get Russell out.Really?Does he have to age like a fine wine before you can evict?She says he set a record for the amount of time spent in the HoH room, and he assures Julie that “there’s an underlying tone of sympathy” in the house and that five of the houseguests are on his side.Really?Do they have fish this year?Because I think he must be including them in that total.Even the Chenbot’s not buying that, and she keeps a straight face through some ridiculous crap.
Back in the living room, each nominee gets a chance to plead their case.Jordan calls Ronnie a rat, and she’s all wide-eyed and hilarious.There are some weird in-jokes, especially when she calls everyone “Gucci”.Or did she mean “Gooshy”?Is she comparing them to the guy running the Quantum Leap chamber?And for the next nominee, I just want to say that I never noticed Commissioner Gordon has such great boobs.Wait, that’s Laura?Why do I keep making that mistake?!?She talks as if she knows she’s going home, which might be true.
Votin’ Time!First up, it’s Jeff.He votes to evict Laura.He high-fives Jessie on the way out, and then Jessie votes the same way.Natalie low-fives Jessie, because that’s just how it’s going today, and votes to evict Jordan.She says she’s going to “spice it up some”.Oh, is this like how claiming to be 18 was a cunning strategy?Next, Julie has a hard time saying “decision”, and then Casey votes to evict Laura.Russell, who has stolen Bob the Goon’s hat, votes to evict Laura.Kevin also votes for Laura, giving her five votes and a one-way ticket to a Maxim gig.
Lydia pointlessly votes to evict Laura as well, as do Chima and Michele.Julie gives the news, and Laura hugs various people who are not Ronnie.The houseguests mill around for a bit while we hear studio chatter, including a guy telling us that they’re going live in “five seconds… four… three…”Hee.Oh, Big Brother.More than a hundred live shows under their belt, and you still can’t work out the kinks.Never change, Big Brother.
Julie sits down with the evicted Robert Downey Jr.Uh, I mean, Laura.This is getting embarrassing!Julie asks why Ronnie wanted her out of the house.Laura thinks Jordan might have let something slip.She’s giving Ronnie too much credit – she went up on the block because Ronnie can’t count, and she went home because he’s desperate for Jessie to like him.She’s proud that she managed to expose Ronnie, which was pretty cool.
Her first farewell video is from Ronnie, who gloats that she’d still be in the house if she “hadn’t caused that scene”.God, he’s irksome!He didn’t vote her out!Does he really think he’s determining how everybody votes?Casey is much nicer and gives her some respect.Russell talks about her breasts.Jordan is very sweet and sincere.Kevin is sort of bitchy, which comes out of nowhere.
Time for the Head of Household competition!Julie leads off with a couple of “Bee” puns.This one’s going to be a pain to recap.They have this launcher, which is a long board that they can move up and down, like a see-saw.They roll a ball down the launcher and flip it to a honeycomb made of buckets. Buckets have a different point value, depending on how close you get to the center.Most points wins!
First up is Michele, who gets four points.Jessie beats it with a six.Kevin falls short with a five.Natalie falls even shorter with a two.Lydia gets a mere one point.And then it’s commercial time.I wish this competition were funnier, because this can’t be enjoyable for you to read.
After the commercial, Russell scores a five.Chima gets a three.So far, Jessie’s still headed back to the HoH, and Jordan’s three doesn’t help.Jeff ties the high score with another 6.Casey almost gets it in the middle, but it takes a bad bounce and ends up at one.Now it’s between Jeff and Jessie in the tiebreaker round.Either way, Jeff can’t get nominated this week, so I’m OK with this.Jessie scores another 6.Jeff takes another bad bounce and ends up with 3.Jessie is the new Head of Household!Again!I don’t have it in me to hate him right now, since Ronnie is the real problem right now, so I can’t get too upset.
I never thought I’d be OK with Jessie winning Head of Household.What’s happening here?Up is down, black is white, dogs are sleeping with cats…
The Chenbot has some time to kill, so she tries asking Jessie some questions.This is, as you might expect, a fruitless endeavor.She asks Casey about missing his son’s first birthday, and Casey seems sad.Casey, little kids are dumb!He’s never going to remember this summer!Heck, take a couple of months to get your head together.
So, is Jessie going to offer Ronnie up?Who the heck is getting nominated this week?I can’t wait!See you next week for more Big Brother coverage!
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