Big Brother

Big Brother–The Kid With the Pink Hair Says Goodbye (April 10)

Who won that POV in the stupid competition designed to look like Bobby Brady’s evil talisman from the classic Hawaii episodes on steroids?  Why, Ryan, of course, who was again a whiz with numbers when it mattered most (though he still can’t manage to pull up his pants!), while the Beast was tamed and went out first.  Told you it was hard for her to count past eight!

I wonder, at this point, with the HOH still up in the air (quite literally…they’re sitting in glass houses as I type this), will anyone catch the snap and get Natalie out if she’s not in charge?  This is not a terribly bright or subtle woman, and she’s playing with a motivation that seems to surpass all of the others…she’s trying to get a boy to like her.  And he confirmed tonight from the jury house that he’s on Team Natalie all the way…because she might buy him something nice if she wins.  What a gem, huh?  And he basically equates all gay men to menstruating women.  He is truly a renaissance man. 

I’m banking on Sheila to make it happen.  Her motivation is sincere–to help her son–even if her demeanor is more like that of Sybil.  I mean, you knew she’d go crazy when Adam put her up, even if he did have a plan (sort of) for taking her down.  But the depths of her freakout were pretty impressive.  And then, seemingly within hours (everyone was wearing the same clothes), she and Adam were mending fences.  Why don’t these two crazy kids just do it already?  They’re obviously the one true pair of soul mates this season. 

Natalie is getting pretty bold, telling the girls one thing and the guys another, but with the average IQ in this group being what it is, I realize I’m asking a lot when I ask them not to let The Beast reign supreme.  We can’t rely on Sharon (it’s not too spoilery to say she dropped out of the HOH competition minutes after the live broadcast ended), who turned into Linda Richman in the DR last week, she was so verklempt over her Joshie.  She’s played the background role to such perfection that she doesn’t have the ability to step up and grab the brass ring.

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