Big Brother

Big Brother–The Kid With the Pink Hair Says Goodbye (April 10)

As I said a few weeks back, Adam and Sheila are the ones to beat, if they stick together.  And maybe they are doing just that, as they were the only ones to remember the cardinal Big Brother rule of giving a strategically sweet goodbye message, whether you mean it or not, although I do think they both genuinely like James.  Ryan, for all his numerical prowess, is not smart enough to fake it.  He’s the classic big oaf, right down to sweating bullets within seconds of starting tonight’s HOH bid.  Natalie doesn’t seem to realize that everyone in the jury house, save for her Mattie, can’t stand her and won’t vote for her to win.  I would love to see her in that house next week…Matt would be out a really cool gift and he’d be stalked 24/7 by a crazy-eyed, whiny Cheri Oteri look alike.  Sounds like a win-win to me!

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