Big Brother

Big Brother Veto, Week 4

Previously, Kristen and her cat eyes went against Rachel and her tattered extensions in a battle for house supremacy. Man, I laughed so hard this morning when one of the morning shows I listened to played Rachel’s “wrong move, beeyotch” about 10 times in five minutes. Her voice is incredibly annoying and she’s getting harder to look at every day.

Kristen says she’ll do everything she can to stay in the house without hurting Hayden. For his part, Hayden laughs at Rachel’s nomination speech, saying everyone’s gunning for Rachel and Brendon, which clearly could have been taken care of last week, MATT. (Remember Matt, because you won’t hear he or Kathy utter one blessed word tonight.) In the DR, Rachel is amused with her own perceived awesomeness for saying “Bring it on” during her speech. I really, really want to scratch her eyes out.

Up in the HOH, she tells Brendon that her speech went better in her head. Brendon is upset with her bravado and actually wants her to go and apologize for what she said. When he tries to touch her cheek and make up with her, she recoils. He gets sort of wussy with her and she’s quietly furious, storming back downstairs to apologize, saying “no hard feelings; nothing personal”, which Hayden and Kristen know is a joke.

Rachel continues to be pissed at Brendon, who feels bad for the nominees, while Rachel just wants the sympathy for herself. Brendon continues to be the woman, all “I love youuuuuuuuuuu” and Rachel actually rolls her eyes. Ha! He actually says he feels “invisible” at one point. Right now, this is like an SNL sketch version of Big Brother, it’s so asinine.

Time to pick players for the veto competition! Rachel picks Britney, Hayden picks Ragan, and Kristen picks Enzo, who is ready to get rid of her. You’ll be shocked to know that Brendon will be hosting.

The competition is called “Wizards of Pinball”. The guys are dressed like Hogwarts rejects, while the girls are in slutty wizard costumes.  There is a giant pinball “machine” in the yard. The point is to shoot your pinball into the center veto slot, and the person with the lowest score will be eliminated from each round and get a prize. Once again, it’s the POV Yankee Swap, as we get every year. Britney makes fun of Brendon’s ridiculous attempts to talk with some sort of wizard-y accent. And with that, she has cemented my love for her.

Kristen loses the first round, and pulls the POV as her prize, which she knows she’ll lose. Ragan gets a “veto ticket” which guarantees him a slot in next week’s competition. He opts to keep it. During the next round, Britney points out to us that everything was so tense that no one was talking to each other. Enzo loses round three and wins a 3D TV. In round 4, Rachel barely loses out to Hayden and Britney and wins a “second chance.” She opts to take Ragan’s veto pass and puts him back in the competition (the second chance), which he promptly loses again. His next prize is $5,000, which he can keep or give to someone else at any time. He opts to give it Rachel right then and there, even though she really doesn’t want it. But, he forces it on her and takes back his veto pass. Kristen then says something remarkably dumb in the DR.  She thought since she still had the POV at this point, that maybe “things would work to her advantage” and she could hold onto it after all. Doubtful, honey. I guess it’s technically possible, but not bloody likely, especially since Hayden’s still in the game. He may like feeling you up at night, but I think he wants to win a little bit more.

Back in the final round, Brendon is still gesturing wildly, doing his best Dumbledore impression. Britney scores a perfect shot, while Hayden the floppy haired Muppet Wizard waits. He scores a 5, and that’s game. Hayden wins something called the Hippietard, which is this season’s tie-dyed version of the unitard that’s become a staple of this game since back in season 8. Hayden opts to take the POV from Kristen. Britney wins something called “Solitary Confinement”, which is 24 hours of exactly what it sounds like. She doesn’t like the sound of this, and takes the POV from Hayden after all. She DRs that she has the power, and that’s just the way she likes it.

Kristen cries on Hayden’s shoulder and in the DR. He has to immediately head into solitary, which is in the crappy Have Not room, with a day’s supply of bread and slop and his own personal potty. Man, that’s harsh and I don’t even like the guy. Kristen has to put on her Hippietard.  Everyone cracks up over it and Enzo points out that it makes her look like a “bootleg Little Orphan Annie”. Apparently, Hayden can still talk to people from his room, so he and Kristen talk through the door, touch fingers underneath and she breaks down crying. Yeah, I’m unmoved.

Enzo and Lane talk about The Animal coming out of confinement. They do a dual diary room session and, I never thought I’d say this, but they are no Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. They joke about Hayden having a full beard and a mane of hair when he emerges. When he does come out, he tells us that he enjoys Kristen’s new look very much.

Next, an extended ad for The Other Guys. Rachel calls it the best movie ever. Try to contain your surprise that there was no negative critique.

Hayden asks Britney to use the POV. She thinks about it, rationalizing that she could save Hayden and Kathy would go up (and get voted out) in his place, and then she’d have a good deal for herself for the next few weeks. Of course, that outcome would have to be engineered.

Kristen and Hayden come up to the HOH to beg for a two showmance alliance while Rachel colors her hair. She smartly asks what they’re promising Britney to get her to use the POV. After Hayden and Kristen swear up and down that the four of them will stick together, no matter which of his friends (Matt, Enzo and Lane) he has to go against, it’s agreed that they’ll put Kathy up as a replacement. Hayden goes to tell Britney the news, and they are psyched that they’ll be remembered for their big game changing move. They are giddy over the idea of Hayden winning HOH next week and immediately screwing Brendon and Rachel over.

Britney is up with Rachel, and they mull over the idea of using the POV to put up Kathy, but Rachel brings up Lane’s name in the mix, which freaks Brit right out. She has to decide which bridge to burn, basically. She can cross Rachel and Brendon or just kind of throw up her hands regarding Hayden and Kristen being on the block and leave it alone. Hayden DRs about his big plan some more and even ends his session with a sing song “genius!” Irritating.

At the veto meeting, Hayden and Kristen both beg for her to use it, with Hayden saying it will benefit them both somewhere down the line. Britney gets very emotional before deciding not to use the POV. Hayden is dumbfounded (I mean, more than usual) and Rachel can barely suppress a giggle. In the DR she says the potential power alliance she passed on was “no big loss”. Britney says it worked out best for her, and she just couldn’t risk Lane going up. Kristen cries some more about how much she cares about Hayden. I throw up in my mouth a little. EJ will have the eviction for you tomorrow!

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