Big Brother

Big Brother Breakdown: What Would Jesus Do? (April 17)

The answer to the above question, of course, is that Jesus doesn’t care about Big Brother, no matter how much Natalie would like to think he does.  And, even though there were some bumps in the road near the end, the plan to get Chatty Natty out of the house before the Final Four was completed in soap operatic fashion tonight.  But, I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s rewind a bit, shall we?

First, we had last week’s endurance-based HOH (my apologies to those who were hoping I’d reveal the winner in the recap.  I try to stick to what’s been broadcast, so as not to upset those who want to be spoiler-free.), during which Natalie hit Sheila’s hot button by talking smack and Rye Bread actually played the two ladies off of each other to see where he stood.  Of course, Sharon wasn’t even in the conversation, as she lasted a whopping eight minutes due to a bad back.  Then, Natalie annoyed everyone as she overplayed her hand with the whining and comparing her self to Jesus on the cross (“What should I do?  What would Jesus do?”).  Her overconfidence allowed her to drop and “give” Sheila the HOH, and it proved to be her undoing.

Not only was she not aware that Sheila had already begun to put two and two together, but she was also oblivious as to how her voice and attitude had begun to grate on all of the remaining houseguests.  Also, by hanging in with Sheila for over three hours before giving up, she reminded everyone how hard she’d be to beat in any future endurance competitions.

So, the wheels were set in motion.  The New Sheila, Big She, She Devil was in the hizzouse!   And she was going to get Natalie out, barring the bikini barista pulling off a POV victory.  Her HOH room energized her; she wasn’t even disappointed that her son, who hasn’t seen her for over two months, could barely manage to write her a paragraph-long letter.  (That kid’s partying his ass off, probably with Bob Guccione.)  I think she really wanted to show off her 80’s Glamour Shot, which had Adam drooling.  Ever the classy guy, A-baller said in the DR, “I wish that Sheila was in the house instead of this thing!”  Honey, have you looked at your bug eyes and Gary Busey teeth lately?  You’re no prize yourself!  We also learned that Sheila had no idea her own mother was a fan of the show.  And that she wants to date someone who is a combo of Evel Dick and Evil Dr. Will. Good luck, I guess? 

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