Big Brother

Big Brother Breakdown: What Would Jesus Do? (April 17)

I suppose this confirms that she and Adam will not be doing the horizontal mambo, despite all back massages to the contrary, as they bicker their way into the Final Four.  It’s often hard to tell which arguments are part of their strategy to keep the heat off of them as a team and which are real.  Unlike Nat’s big fake rack, which is more capable of holding up a strapless version of my terrycloth short set from 1983 than it was of getting her acting jobs.  She now feels that God wanted her to go on TV and be herself (unless of course someone’s actually casting the part of a deer in headlights, which is hers to lose, I think).  Everyone’s fears of Nat’s puzzle skills proved unfounded as she was one of the worst in the POV and Adam continued to confuse me by being successful at something just when I’d decided he was a complete moron again!

But, then there was his and Ryan’s decision to have a house meeting in the bathroom while Natalie colored her hair.  Why these boneheads decided to stir the pot when they knew that Nat had been playing both sides and was only going to tell them what they wanted to hear was beyond me, unless it was part of their intention to get Natalie to admit she’d nominate Sheila if she won HOH next week. That was her fatal misstep.  She thought she’d solidified their votes, but instead they engineered a tie, so Sheila would have to cast the deciding vote and send her off to stalk Matt around Sequesterville.  In the end, though, I don’t know that it will hurt Sheila too much if she makes it to the final, since Nat did give her the ammo by admitting she was loyal to the two guys all the way. All of this drama, which looked straight out of a telenovela as it unfolded, allowed Sharon, who has now been nominated five times (and given the same speech each time) to slide into the final four with at least three solid votes on the jury.  You would think that with Ryan winning HOH again, she’d be a shoo-in to go home at last, but the way She-Devil can fly off the handle and anger those fickle boys, you never know who’s going home on Tuesday and who’ll make it the last, three-part HOH competition on Wednesday’s live show.

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