Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Keesha sarcastically says hi to her “best friend” Memphis.  She wants to know if he has any remorse in picking Jerry over her.  He says it was the hardest move he ever had to make in the game and offers a sincere apology.

Jerry’s question is about whether or not Dan respects the jurors, since he was apparently arrogant when he won competitions.  He offers an apology if his offended anyone.  Jerry says, “I respected you.”  One word:  Judas.  He asks Memphis if he’d have taken him if he’d won the final HOH.  Memphis non-answers that he wouldn’t have been able to decide until the last minute, and that he didn’t think too far ahead in the game.  Dan chimes in to plant the seed that maybe Memphis didn’t want to win HOH so he wouldn’t have to evict the last person.  Memphis is like, “Thanks, Dan!”  Funny moment, and the kind that I don’t think happens very often in these Q & As.

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