Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Memphis thanks them all for a great summer and reminds them that Big Brother was a business plan to him.  He says he tried to play as if he was an asset to each person’s game.  He says he’s very straightforward and this is him in real life.  He concludes by saying, basically, if you like me, great, otherwise please vote for Dan.

Dan then proceeds to nail down any stray votes.  He compliments all of them for the big personalities, brains and physical prowess, saying his strategy was plainly to out think everyone, since he didn’t excel in any of those other things.  He points out something I never caught, which was that he wanted Ollie and Michelle pissed at him after the whole roulette thing.  He needed someone in the jury house who hated him so Memphis would agree to that Renegades 4EVA tattoo. Or, ya know, to keep him around.  They’re all impressed, as I am, by that tidbit.  (Damn, all that craziness really was a strategy.  I honestly thought he’d gone nuts, but here I am, outthought by a “Big Brother” Houseguest.  Don’t look at me.  I’m hideous. – EJ) After asking everyone to set aside their emotions to vote, Dan and Memphis shake hands.   April pipes up that she enjoyed Memphis’ speech better, almost as if ON CUE…

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