Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

All you need to know about the jurors entering the live show is that there is a small lull when April enters, Ollie thinks he’s a pimp, and Renny is glammed up in a black strapless dress and takes FOREVER to make her way to her stool.  Julie then checks in with the Final Two.  She asks for a one-word description of the “inquisition” and Dan starts with “tough” but spends five more minutes getting to “intense”.  Memphis likens it to a firing squad.

And now, the votes.  As usual, there is an opportunity for each juror to say something, and mostly they all say it was a good time and congrats.  Except for Renny, who goes spinning off into her own little world.  Long, babbling speech short, she’s going with the person who got in touch on a “human level”.  Alright…

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