Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

I know I haven’t done much audience spotting tonight, but here’s Bible Buddies Matty and Adam from BB9.  Oh, and Zach from BB8.  Yay?  (I thought I saw BB2’s Bunky and BB6’s James earlier, too. – EJ) Look, it’s Brian, Steven, Angie and Jessie!  They got to go home and watch the show, you know.  Brian is called on first, and is one of the rare breed of rather eloquent BB contestants.  He congratulates the guys on not allowing the moves in the game become personal, and says he was surprised at Ollie’s tantrum after being played.  He was also surprised at Michelle’s spazz out over the Hawaii trip and how she attacked Libra’s mothering, which prompts Michelle to whine that she was attacked first.  By who?  But Brian’s not done!  He calls out April and Michelle for ripping on Keesha’s appearance when they saw that DVD.  Michelle mean girls a “What?” to April.  These two, I tell ya.

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