Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Steve is nodding, of course, and Julie asks him whose behavior surprised him most.  He says Jerry’s, and we are forced to endure Michelle’s HOH win and the subsequent shoutfest.  Jerry swears that Dan brought religion into it (no, he didn’t!).  Steve is in disbelief, and so is Dan.  Julie takes this opportunity to tell everyone about the one week America’s Choice comp.  As Michelle keeps saying “I knew it!” we see Dan’s requests from America, which all came back to Jessie.  For his part, Jessie thanks America for her keeping him on our minds.  He’s actually way too proud about having come back on the show dressed a gorilla.  As Julie reminds us of the jury prize to come, I just  hope no one was really worried about Angie, because she’s apparently mute.

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