Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

At long last, we are going to find out just how handily Dan beat Memphis.  I called a sweep as soon as they sealed F2, while EJ said he could see it going 3-3 with Michelle as a swing vote.  (I remain genuinely surprised about April and Ollie.  I figured the fact that Keesha was voting for Dan assured April’s vote for Memphis, and then Ollie no longer has any will of his own, so he’d be obligated to follow suit. – EJ) The first four keys are from Libra, April, Michelle and Ollie, and each one is a vote for Dan.  So that’s it, Dan’s won, and they come out of the house!  A girl I can only assume is Dan’s girlfriend or sister greets him right away.  He then runs to hug Brian and Jerry before heading back to his family.  Memphis is off to the side, making out with his girlfriend. Julie shows us the other three votes for Dan, making it a sweep.  Memphis is a good sport.

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