Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Where was I?  Oh yeah…Memphis was glad he didn’t have to vote out Jerry, which he’s totally right to be since I don’t know how many other votes he’s got lined up right now.  Jerry’s one of his best shots at not getting blanked.  When he and Dan celebrate their victorious trip to F2 as The Renegades with the customary finger guns, the editors spring for actual shooting sound effects.  What is this, Gunsmoke?  (Google it, kids.)

Surrounded by a BBQ feast, including wine and beer, Dan and Memphis start “reminiscing” (read: talk about what the producers suggested they discuss) and Jerry comes up first. (Wait, are you suggesting that they didn’t spontaneously decide to talk about House events in the chronological order in which they happpened?  You’re so cynical these days. – EJ) We see Jerry copping a feel on Day 1 with April’s permission; Jerry attempting to “rap” complete with horrible “dancing” and an F bomb.  Ollie calls him “Funkmaster Colonel”.  We also get to rehash the infamous “Judas” and “Womanizer” episodes, which conveniently centered on the final two contestants.

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