Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Back on Day 5, April all but twirled her hair around her finger and asked Jerry “Can I use your restroom?” before she and half of the house ambushed him to put up Brian, he of the 18 alliances by Day 2.  That leads us into Brian’s Puppet Show of “Hey, I’m fun!  Keep me!”  which was attended by Dan, Memphis, Steve and Angie.  We all recall the Renny puppet, but I had not remembered that Ollie’s puppet was just a black sock (Yes, it’s mean.  Yes, it’s funny.) and April’s puppet had a big rack.  (I may be going crazy, but both times we saw this footage, it looked to me like the producers had blurred the puppet rack.  Either the producers are very funny or Dan gave Sock April nipples. – EJ)

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