Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

We are then subjected to Renny’s freak out on Night One that gave Jessie grist for the mill when she woke him up.  What a crybaby.  Besides, I remember reading that she was off one of her medications (seriously) and that’s why she sounded positively insane that night.  She sort of was.  Ya know, more than usual.  And then, I closed my eyes and put in ear plugs while simultaneously fast-forwarding the April/Ollie showmance retrospective.  Blech.

Dan and Memphis then discuss Renny, who besides wigs and costumes, also brought fake sideburns with her.  Is she also an Elvis impersonator?  Apparently, Renny did impressions of Libra (freaking out), Dan (talking with his hands and making no sense), Jessie (no words, just poses) April (cleaning like the OCD person she is), and Jerry, which consists of her miming him washing his dentures in the sink.  We also get the real thing in split screen, which, gee thanks, CBS.  Dan comes out dressed in a Kimono and a boa, flouncing around and speaking in his best Renny voice.  She laughs the loudest, of course.  They also replay the scene where she and Dan argued about what time it was in New Orleans if it was 8 o’clock in California.  It’s still stupid.

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