Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Dan opines that Keesha is a special girl, and I don’t think he means that in a short-bus kind of way.  He says they were like brother and sister, but really, the way he taunts her with ice, a bucket of cold water in the shower and smearing various food products on her, I kind of think Dan likes Keesha.  Likes her likes her.  Both guys also reflect on the hilarious debacle that was Keesha’s 30th birthday.  But if you’re here, you already saw it, and read about it as well, so let’s move on.

There is lost footage of a thing the gang did when they were bored on Day 12 called “Variety Hour” and everyone’s dressed like Jerry Springer guests.  Keesha and Renny give Angie a makeover, and April and Ollie actually pretend to be Springer guests (even though a helpful logo tells us we’re watching a show called “Dan”).  Memphis is dressed as a gay stylist.  Yeah, sometimes it’s a good call to leave those things on the cutting room floor.

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