Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

But first, we are told that things got heated at the jury house when they realized they’d all “been played”.  I hate it break it to the Chenbot, but I don’t think that was news on that night, and since no one volunteers to be on the jury, I think you’ve been played by definition if you’re there.  Keesha hopes Memphis shows up as the last juror.  Ollie says Dan mocked everyone.  Libra says Jerry wasn’t a “gingerly” old man and they all floated him along.  Everyone’s complaining about having to live with Jerry and his accompanying Old Man smell as he rolls up and busts them.  Awkward!  Michelle says it’s the two “evil” people who are left.  That’s a stretch.  She says she thinks Memphis actually made an alliance with Dan.  NO!  I’m telling you, you can’t get anything past Michelle.  Jerry says they couldn’t handle the two of them together.  Well, obviously.  Renny and Keesha argue with Jerry about why he didn’t put them both up at F5, and it gets crazy in about three seconds.  Jerry says, “Will you let me talk?” and Renny screams, “No!”  I wish those crazy kids would work it out already.  (Jerry used the expression “played to the hilt” about ten times tonight, and I don’t think he ever used it correctly. – EJ)

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