Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Finale! (Sept 17)

Keesa and Renny feel Memphis was cold and conniving.  Michelle says she didn’t like how Dan pitted everyone against each other in the roulette debacle.  Well, sure, because she got put up!  April calls Dan heartless, which is ludicrous.  Also, what is April wearing?  Is she part of a jewel heist later that night?  Renny defends Dan as somewhat immature.  Ollie’s like, “Does that condone it?”  Oh Ollie, you were gullible and you got played!  Move on.  Libra says they’re both culpable (do you think Michelle knows that word?) and the game is not “Best Friend”; people are trying to win money.  Ollie finally has to admit the two guys played the game best.  Michelle likes to talk about being backdoored (hee hee) because she clearly thinks it makes her the star player.  (Michelle’s contributions for tonight can basically be summed up as “Well, they must have been good if they beat me.”  In her mind, this season was called “The Michelle Show starring Michelle with Special Guest Appearance by Michelle” – EJ) She delights in telling Jerry that Dan took her on the trip.  Jerry’s flabbergasted.  He and Keesha both agree that Memphis let Dan do a lot of the dirty work, but that Memphis did a lot of maneuvering, mostly of Keesha.  April keeps pushing Memphis, apropos of nothing.  Renny points out that he never won HOH.  Good point, considering the oldsters took it three times combined to his zero.

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