Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice – Season 3, Episode 9, Truck Stop Taste

Holly suggests making the Celebrity Room red, and you’re not going to believe it, but this is the key to the whole freaking episode. That red room is approximately as important to this episode as the plane crash is to Lost. Anyway, she wants Cyndi to work on the Celebrity Room. Holly marvels at how organized and diplomatic Bret is. Then a couple of guys show up who are apparently supposed to help with the grunt work. One is even more Australian than Curtis, which essentially means that he’s going to have to use a boomerang to open a can of Foster’s, and the other might be the Black guy from Psych. He probably isn’t, but it is the off-season… Holly picks out the paint colors, and sends Bret to get the material while she and Cyndi hit the prop house.

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