Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice – Season 3, Episode 9, Truck Stop Taste

At Tenacity, Bret calls Holly and says he has to leave to do a concert. And by “concert”, he means “state fair”. And possibly by “do” he means “judge a pie-eating contest at”. He’s going to fly out, pass out some blue ribbons, and then fly right back. He tells Holly about the pictures he took and how he’s going to have them printed up for the walls. Cyndi asks Holly if she can get a chandelier, and Holly tells her to do whatever she wants for the Celebrity Room. Remember this, because nobody else will. Cyndi finds a bar that she loves for the kitchen, because “Bret could be behind it”. Like, always? Cyndi and Holly bond a little, seemingly because Cyndi is pretending they’re a lesbian couple.  (Funny story, but that happened to me once!–Myndi)

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