Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice – Season 3, Episode 9, Truck Stop Taste

Kodak Moment of the Week! How will you spend your 73 votes? Was it Sharon talking to the prop store, Holly paging Cyndi, or Bret hauling ass down the stairs? This show needs more fistfights, because these moments are not exactly visually exciting.

Time for the Boardroom! Richard LeFrack is not even trying to not look like the creepiest man alive. He is undressing every single person in the room with his beady little eyes. Trump enters and asks Holly how her team did. She thought they did a good job. Man, I am getting tired of recapping that exchange. Of course, she immediately brings up that Cyndi can be hard to manage, and then damns the Celebrity Room with faint praise. Bret starts apologizing for nominating Holly as Project Manager, and this is such a weird way to start the Boardroom. Holly complains that Cyndi’s always talking about “the gays” (her phrasing), yet won’t step up to be Project Manager. Except for when she did. Sharon’s just straight up laughing at Holly.

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