Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice – Season 3, Episode 9, Truck Stop Taste

Holly then berates Bret for not talking more, so Trump asks if he can keep up with the two of them. The thing is, Bret doesn’t really have a horse in this race. It’s the smart move to let those two fight, since neither has a bad word to say about him. And it’s what you often see in the Boardroom, only this week they’ve decided that it’s an issue. So Bret gets grilled about why he’s not fighting, and it’s really all because Richard LeFrack is stupid and wants to make the most of his time on TV. Bret talks about how much work he did on the task and yeah, he really did a lot. The dude does a lot of grunt work without pissing and moaning, and that’s been consistent all season. He’s a drama queen and a flake, but the guy gets stuff done.

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