Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Gary is an Obvious Thing”

And then the kicker, Busey actually offers to become their regular pitchman.  He actually says that he would love to do commercials for them, but they don’t have to talk money just now.  Holy crap.  That’s just crazy inappropriate, and you can tell that Leathery Steve is pissed.  They finally just start talking to Mark about the task, even though Busey is still selling himself.  These people hate Busey so much.  And that’s the end of the task.

Sexy Bonnie Hunt, Joan, and a steak meet with Trump.  Wait.  I’m sorry, that’s just Leathery Steve.  Joan liked the men’s jingle and enthusiasm, and think they did a better job of creating buzz.  Sexy Bonnie doesn’t like that they didn’t incorporate the slogan “live the gold life”, and there was no koala.  See, that could have gone either way, and I guess this is the way it went.  (I’ve been writing about John Rich too long – I can only make broad generalizations and pretend that it’s insight.)  Sexy Bonnie thinks ASAP incorporated their theme better, even thought it looked terrible.  She’s also upset, specifically, that they didn’t put a bikini on Hope and paint her gold.  I feel like that’s something the judges say at the end of every task, only they don’t air it because it doesn’t necessarily make sense.  “Curtis Stone, who made the best pizza?”  “Well, ASAP’s pizza tasted better, but I can’t help but notice that they didn’t put Hope in a bikini and paint her gold…”

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  1. You put Charles Manson, Gary Busey, and The Ben Stiller show into a single sentence …how is this not the most Google’d article on the Internet ever?

  2. Dammit! I should have put “topless” in that sentence.

  3. Great. Thanks. Now I can’t unsee that.

  4. Pretty good season! Joan Rivers is probably my favorite of all time in terms of entertainment factor.

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