Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Gary is an Obvious Thing”

Weirdly, Trump notices the tattoo on Mark’s wrist that’s been visibly evident since the beginning of the season and then they have to talk about it for a while.  Busey explains their theme, and uses the words “pirate kindness”.  Which is what they’re known for.  “Arrr, you look depressed.  Would you be needin’ a cup of tea or a warm bath, matey?”  Ivanka talks about how Backbone always takes big risks.  It’s not like they did a Breaking Bad-meth lab theme.  Pirates are popular and acceptable to a mass audience.  Mark talks about thinking outside the box, and there’s an inadvertent metaphor here where they were actually forced to incorporate a box into the display.  Something tells me if a company wants you to use a box, you’re not supposed to think outside of it.

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  1. You put Charles Manson, Gary Busey, and The Ben Stiller show into a single sentence …how is this not the most Google’d article on the Internet ever?

  2. Dammit! I should have put “topless” in that sentence.

  3. Great. Thanks. Now I can’t unsee that.

  4. Pretty good season! Joan Rivers is probably my favorite of all time in terms of entertainment factor.

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