Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Gary is an Obvious Thing”

Back in the Suite, the sniping between NeNe and LaToya continues.  Now, I’m coming around on NeNe, but here she does the thing that you see on so many reality shows and it makes me crazy.  She announces “I’m real”, as if that is especially laudable or somehow excuses anything.  It’s like when people declare that they’re high-maintenance, like once they call it, you have to just accept it.  Makes me crazy, I tells ya.

In an interview, LaToya tells us that NeNe is “all mouth (pause) and height”.  HA!  She did not mean that to be funny, I don’t think, but that’s awesome.  NeNe then starts calling LaToya “Casper the Ghost”, which gets a bigger reaction out of Star and Marlee than it does out of LaToya.  Can you imagine Jack having to sign one of NeNe’s tirades?  They don’t even have signs for some of those words!  And again, I’m starting to like NeNe, but she goes a bit far by saying LaToya is only famous for her last name.  Which is arguably true, but a Real Housewife has no grounds to criticize the source of anybody’s fame.  And then she drives it home with, “You are very old.  You need to play your age, and not twelve.  You’re an old lady.” (I’m enjoying NeNe, too, but this rant was a bit ridiculous. –Myndi)

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  1. You put Charles Manson, Gary Busey, and The Ben Stiller show into a single sentence …how is this not the most Google’d article on the Internet ever?

  2. Dammit! I should have put “topless” in that sentence.

  3. Great. Thanks. Now I can’t unsee that.

  4. Pretty good season! Joan Rivers is probably my favorite of all time in terms of entertainment factor.

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