Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Gary is an Obvious Thing”

Leathery Steve, who has clearly never used his own product, talks about sunscreen and body lotion.  Each team is going to get “a ten foot by ten foot glass box”, even though a box has three dimensions and they’re only citing two.  I really thought that would be the twist, like it was ten feet long, ten feet wide, and half an inch high.  They’re going to use this box as part of an environment that embodies Australian Gold.  Basically, they’re going to an open-air promotional display, and there’s no reason for a glass box to be involved in the first place.

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  1. You put Charles Manson, Gary Busey, and The Ben Stiller show into a single sentence …how is this not the most Google’d article on the Internet ever?

  2. Dammit! I should have put “topless” in that sentence.

  3. Great. Thanks. Now I can’t unsee that.

  4. Pretty good season! Joan Rivers is probably my favorite of all time in terms of entertainment factor.

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