Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Gary is an Obvious Thing”

Honestly, Mark’s a bit of a schmuck, but he did a good job on the team and he really did a lot to keep the peace.  Backbone is going to fall apart hard.  (And there you have Burnett’s rationale in a nutshell.  So sad.–Myndi)

Man, that was aggravating.  Next week, cooking is involved and that means Busey has access to knives and open flames.  There may be casualties.

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  1. You put Charles Manson, Gary Busey, and The Ben Stiller show into a single sentence …how is this not the most Google’d article on the Internet ever?

  2. Dammit! I should have put “topless” in that sentence.

  3. Great. Thanks. Now I can’t unsee that.

  4. Pretty good season! Joan Rivers is probably my favorite of all time in terms of entertainment factor.

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