Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

The next day, Backbone talks about Jose’s exit.  They feel sad for him for a bit, and then Richard interviews that it’s awfully convenient he had to leave when a fundraising task came up.  This is not an interview that makes Richard look good, but again, he is saying what some viewers are going to be thinking.  Seconds later, they talk about Busey farting, which according to an old SNL bit is technically a “Juicy Busey”.

Both teams head to their respective art supply stores.  They all mill about, and then Busey asks Meat Loaf if he’s buying canvases for everybody.  Meat Loaf says no, and that should be the end of it.  But he’s irritated by what he sees as Busey’s sense of entitlement.  And this is just a tiny thing, but I think Busey’s been wearing him away bit by bit over the last four tasks – we know he’s irritating as hell, and that’s a cumulative kind of a thing.  Meat Loaf, who has his emotions very close to the surface, just hit a limit.  So he complains about it in an interview, then complains to Mark.  Mark and Meat Loaf, for their part, leave to go to a sporting goods store, because Meat Loaf needs a basketball.  Like all great artists.  Mark, who’s not the most perceptive dude around, say he thinks Meat Loaf is ready to blow.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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