Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

Backbone sets up their studio.  Only, Meat Loaf can’t find his paint.  Dopey John wonders aloud if maybe Busey has some of his stuff, and that sets everything off.  Busey insists it’s his.  Everybody looks for the right bag except Meat Loaf who simmers, until suddenly he’s screaming at the room.  He’s going into full “Bob from Fight Club mode”, as he accuses Busey of stealing his paint in an obscenity-laden tirade.  Mark physically gets between them, because Meat Loaf is blowing up.  John leads Busey away, so Meat Loaf can calm down.  Everybody tries to get between them, but Busey keeps wandering into his path like a lemming.  (Except Richard, who doesn’t even look up from what he’s doing.  How can he not even look?–Myndi)  Meat Loaf is still crazy mad, and then John finds the actual art supplies.  That doesn’t actually fix anything because the issue is really that Meat Loaf does not want to be anywhere near Busey anymore, regardless of who has what paint.  He finally apologizes to John for blowing up, and asks Busey to stay away.  Given what we’ve seen of Meat Loaf so far, that blow-up seems even more incongruous than when they were using it on all the promos.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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