Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

Backbone arrives at their gallery, which is actually a pretty nice space.  They set up, and George shows up to check in.  John shows off their art, and George pretends to not be afraid of Busey.  Wow, Busey put $500,000 on his bison painting, and somebody who can’t be identified puts a million dollars on something called “Streak of Luck”.  These guys are pretty impressed with themselves.

OK, we see a plane land, and the representatives of Country Music come out.  Now, I am not kidding about this, but they bring a tiny person with them.  He’s not a midget – he’s even smaller than that.  He can’t be more than two feet high.  I’ve never seen somebody so small that wasn’t covered in afterbirth.  He walks with two tiny canes.  More disturbingly, he has an orange beard and he’s wearing a green tam, so I think he’s actually a leprechaun.  There is no explanation for what we’re seeing, except for John bragging about how cowboys are going to come and drink the bar dry.  Wow, if he gets so upset about stereotypes of country music, maybe he should stop advancing those stereotypes at every opportunity.  This guy just gets on my nerves.  I wish somebody would punch him.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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