Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

Don Jr. visits Backbone, as everybody yells about every sale.  Richard sells both of his paintings.  A sick kid from St. Jude’s comes, and I’m not going to get into it because it makes me sad, not just for the kid, but for the way he’s getting trotted around as a symbol when he’s clearly tired and cranky.  No kid wants to go to an art gallery – let him have some fun!  Poor kid got taken away from his Lincoln Logs just so John Rich could feel sad at him.

In a moment of pure randomness, Furio from The Sopranos shows up at ASAP.  Actor Federico Castelluccio is also a bit of a painter, so he’s Trump’s designated judge to pick the best baseball cap.  I’m still mad at the way Furio went from being awesome to having the boring “frustrated romance” storyline in Season Four, only to be dropped from the show entirely.  Man, I miss cool Season Three Furio.  He assesses the baseball caps, reads from the same script as Curtis Stone in the first episode about how hard it is to choose, and then he leaves.  Next, Furio hits up Backbone, and Mark admits to us that their hats look like crap.  They actually should have put a sign on the table:  “Gay-Ass Hats!”

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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