Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

LaToya calls Marlee the star of the team, and then mentions that the paintings only got there five minutes before the opening.  Mark pipes up to laugh at them, and then that’s the end of that whole plot thread.  Next they talk about the hats for a bit, and we didn’t really see much of them.  LaToya’s hat was chosen as the best, so she gets $25,000 for her charity.

Trump announces that this task raised more money than any previous season of the show, which is pretty amazing.  All sorts of things are weird about this Boardroom, so right now, they stop so that Marlee and John can talk about their charities.  Everybody agrees that both charities are very deserving, and then Trump offers them a deal.  (He also calls his book The Art of the Deal “the biggest selling business book of all time”, which thirty seconds on Google reveals is not even a little bit true.)  Since both teams did a great job, he’s putting an offer on the table.  If Marlee and John agree, the losing team can keep their money for their charity.  So no matter what, Marlee’s charity gets what ASAP raised, and John’s gets what Backbone raised.  Obviously, they take the deal.  OK, that’s pretty awesome.  Trump’s surprised that they agreed to it, because he’s a monster.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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