Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

And now, it’s time for the reveal.  First, George announces that Backbone raised almost $627,000.  Wow.  But it’s worth noting that $470,000 of that was the bedazzled guitar.  The whole rest of the gallery raised only $157,000.  Marlee acts impressed, but she knows what’s coming.  ASAP raised $986,000.  Damn, that’s crazy money!  Marlee cries, Jack cries, it’s really great.  Trump says he’s disappointed that Marlee was $14,000 short of a million, so he kicks in the rest.  Which is a douchey way to do something nice, but ultimately it’s still nice.

Trump asks ASAP if he should fire one of the men.  Since Jose left the show already, (by his logic) he doesn’t actually have to fine anybody to meet his quota.  So the women get to decide if there will be a firing.  Now, there are a lot of good feelings in the room by now, but it’s still a contest.  If nobody gets fired, next week the men are one up going into the next task.  So really, they’d be crazy not to get rid of one of the guys.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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